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Wetland Delineations

                                                     Wetlands are regulated! In the process of purchasing a property or creating a site plan, assessing the boundaries and qualities of wetlands are essential activities on properties where impacts are possible. Backroads utilizes state and federal standards for assessing wetlands, and works with the land-owners to develop avoidance or impact plans for the such sites. Backroads can guide you through the permitting process to keep you compliant! Services include site flagging, map-making, comprehensive reports, and client representation with agencies (if included in project). Cost Breakdown: 1 Acre or Less: $650.00 1-5 Acres: $250.00 per 0.5 Acres (After first acre) 5+ Acres: $200 per 0.5 (After first acre) Large Tracts: Lump Sum -- Costs Vary with Desktop Review of Site Conditions

Site Plans

 Need to know how much buildable area you have? Having a hard time navigating the intersection of federal, state, and local setback rules? Are wetlands making site design difficult? Whatever the site planning issue may be, Backroads can help you. With 20 years of experience in navigating local, state, and federal building standards, Backroads can assist you in creating a site plan that governing agencies will permit!

Seagrass Surveys

Sea Walls

Project Management

Natural Features Inventories

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessments